Increased reliance on the National Guard in response to crises around the world and the continuing requirements to respond to State emergencies are evidence of the need for a strong National Guard force. This is more obvious today than any time in our recent history. To recruit, retain, and train our soldiers and airmen, we need the proper resources. This requires equipment, facilities, and personnel benefits to adequately take care of our young men and women and their families. One of the most important and effective ways to ensure we obtain those resources is through our National Guard Associations. Few of us realize how strong an impact our professional associations have in lobbying our legislators in Washington, D.C., and in our own State Legislature.NGAUS draws much of its political and financial strength from the state associations. To ensure the National Guard has the same resources and protections, as the active forces, all states must collectively pull together and support NGAUS.
Membership in NGAUS is the foundation of our association. Membership is the fiber that gives us strength and legislative clout. This is very important because we are working on several very important national and state level bills that will benefit all members of the Arizona National Guard. As officers, it’s our responsibility to ensure all soldiers and their families in the Arizona National Guard receive the best possible equipment, training, facilities, and benefits. Our troops deserve no less. We must lead by example and encourage others to get involved as well.
Benefits of NGAUS/NGAAZ Membership
NGAUS – National Guard Association of the United States
- NGAUS lobbies at a National level on our behalf. They are our voice in Washington DC. Each year we enjoy more and better benefits, equipment, facilities, training resources, and full-time manning because of NGAUS. NGAUS keeps us informed on National issues that impact the states.
- NGAUS receives resolutions from all states each year. They develop and consolidate these resolutions. They use these resolutions as the foundation of their legislative program.
- NGAUS holds an annual conference each year to conduct business, approve resolutions, provide professional development, interface with vendors, and hold training classes.
- NGAUS runs the National Guard Museum and maintains a record of our rich and proud history.
- Members receive the monthly National Guard Magazine.
- Members receive discounted travel benefits.
- Members are eligible for preferred vision care through NGAUS.
- NGAUS provides technicians with quality Disability and Term Life Insurance.
NGAAZ – National Guard Association of Arizona
- NGAAZ serves as a strong advocate for the National Guard, all Guard members, Guard Families, and the Guard community.
- NGAAZ lobbies at a State level on your behalf. NGAAZ is your voice at Arizona State Legislature. Each year we fight for your benefits.
- NGAAZ receives resolutions each from members, vendors, and other individuals. They develop and consolidate these resolutions.
- NGAAZ holds an annual conference each year to conduct business, approve resolutions, and interface with vendors. We approve resolutions and forward them to NGAUS.
- NGAAZ provides SSLI – (State Sponsored Life Insurance) to all Arizona Guard members.
- NGAAZ runs the Military Clothing Sales Store at the Papago Military Reservation.
- NGAAZ issues a quarterly newsletter to keep you informed.
- NGAAZ supports the local community. (Salvation Army, Red Cross, and Family Support, etc.)
- NGAAZ has a scholarship program.